Welcome to the AT Project Assistive Technology Lending Library!

This lending library provides school districts in Tennessee free access to equipment, materials, and supports for use when evaluating or addressing the needs of students with disabilities ages 3-22. The library is intended to support schools by providing access to devices and tools:

  • for trial use during student AT assessments
  • for temporary use when a school or student-owned device is unavailable or out for maintenance, and
  • for use during professional development or training activities

Use of the library will require a signed usage agreement from each district's Special Education Director. Click here to sign MOU.

For community organizations working within the schools, please fill out this alternate usage agreement: Community Organization Lending Library MOU

Loan Library Policies and Procedures:

  • The lending library is intended for short term use. Equipment can be borrowed for a 30-day loan and may be extended for an additional 30 days if items are not reserved by another borrower.
  • The maximum number of items that may be borrowed at one time is five (5). Due to volume of demand, two (2) iPads can be borrowed at one time.
  • iPads will have the top three communication apps installed. If additional apps are needed, please add requests to the notes section when checking out, or email the lending library manager: at.library@tn-edu.org
  • The borrower will contact the lending library manager if equipment fails to operate, is missing items from the list on the packing slip or becomes damaged or broken while in use.
  • Equipment must be returned clean and in good working order by the due date, with the original box, packing materials and any accessories, such as chargers.
  • Items are insured against damage during shipping and normal use. Equipment reported by the district as lost, or never returned, becomes the financial responsibility of the borrower.
  • Items will be shipped to your district's central office, shipping will occur on Mondays and Tuesdays only. 
  • Return shipping is paid by the school district.

To create an account, follow these steps:

  1. click “create account” in the upper right corner of this page
  2. fill out the form and create a username and password
  3. Enter the address of the central office of your school's district
  4. when the form is completed, click submit and a confirmation email will be sent to you from MyTurn. You must confirm your email to create your membership.
  5. after your membership is confirmed, you will be able to log in and reserve your devices!

Please email the lending library manager if you have any questions, trouble signing up or special requests.

Thank you! 
