Visual Schedule-Now, Next, Later In Stock Now

  • Supports Daily Routines – Visual Schedule for kids - Now Next Later Board. Promotes focus on the current activity, while providing reassurance about what is going to happen later. Offers a predictable and reassuring structure. Perfect for kids who need support staying on track, or who suffer with and anxiety.
  • Simple Visual Layout – 3 symbols on the schedule board - shows the current task, the next one and one that will happen later on. An inclusive and accessible daily schedule for students. 
  • Expertly Designed – 32 x genuine Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) included. 1.75” easy-to-hold size. Designed by experts specifically for autistic children or those with ASD/ADHD. Used by millions globally for over 30 years. Probably already familiar to your child from school or therapy. Compatible with PECS cards.
  • Sturdy And Practical – Premium plastic material. Waterproof, highly durable and easy to clean - ! Will not split, rip or easily crease like laminated paper or cardstock. 
  • Promotes Confidence