Gum Ball Switch Overdue

Gumball Adapted Switch – 2½-inch activation surface

Our Gumball Switches activate a variety of devices. Our customers recognize this best-selling product for its dependability and high quality. It offers outstanding audible and tactile feedback. The removable base has three holes for mounting and two plastic covers — one with a lip and one without. Our Gumball Switches are similar to Jelly Beans, Buddy Buttons or Bid Buddy Buttons.

A 2½-Inch Activation Surface Gumball Switch for Special Needs
This adapted switch connects to compatible toys and devices to let people with disabilities use them. The standard Gumball Switch’s features include:
  • A 2½-inch activation surface for people who can access a smaller target area
  • Two included plastic covers — one with a lip and one without
  • Removable mounting plate with three mounting holes
  • Compatibility with Gumball Switch accessories from Enabling Devices
We designed the Gumball Switch for easy operation and long-lasting use. These features and more make it a staple in our customers’ homes and learning spaces.
Uses of an Adapted Switch Button for Disabilities
The Gumball Switch activates a variety of adapted devices to help people with disabilities in everyday life. Press the button to:
  • Learn: The Gumball Switch works with adapted educational tools that teach concepts like cause and effect.
  • Play: We sell a wide selection of switch adapted toys and games that let everyone have fun.
  • Communicate: When you connect the Gumball Switch to a communication device, you can use it to play a message or show an image.
People with a wide range of motor abilities can use the Gumball Switch to make their daily lives more accessible.